Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Update: Lewis Watson Gig- Oxford

Lewis Watson is the next biggest acoustic singer, born and raised in the heart of Oxfordshire, with a flair for singing and song writing. Yesterday i went to see him and below in the video description i have summarised pretty much what happened when my friend and i met him. I really want to emphasise how incredible it was to be a witness to watching him perform. Sat on the front row, i stared on in awe as he spoke about the stories behind why he wrote the songs and before, where i would have thought little about the songs' meanings, i could actually hear why he chose the lyrics he did and it meant so much more to me to know that. It was just awe-inspiring to be able connect with him on that level and it was only with his endearing character that i could actually do that, so as an artist he epitomizes the ideals: commitment, friendliness, a hard working personality and a passionate for music. Please, if you haven't already, check him out on YouTube because i believe he could be as big as Ed Sheeran and that can't be possible without your help, so if you click on this link here you will be directed to his channel:

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