Sunday, 5 October 2014

Friday 3rd October! Lewis Watson Gig

Hello! So on Friday, as it says in the title, I went to see Lewis Watson at the institute in Birmingham. I've made a video where I talk about it for a bit, mentioning the amazing support acts, Andreas Moe and Amber Run. I filmed it on Saturday so when I say the gig was yesterday I mean Friday. Plus I apologize for some very incoherent and perplexing sentences, trust me i'm just about getting used to talking to a camera :P Also i'm aware that most of the time i'm talking about why I love music so although the video does include me talking about the gig it did allow me to speak about how the gig has helped show me that I am passionate about music and the idea of a career working in music.

Ok, so this video may bore you, in which case i'm sorry but if you happen to listen for a little bit I would be more than grateful! :D

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